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Old May 10th, 2005, 10:47 PM

quantum_mechani quantum_mechani is offline
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Default Re: Hell sword vs Wraith sword vs Blood thorn

FrankTrollman said:
Abyssia usually has a biig pile of Fire Gems, and access to sufficient Blood Slaves and Astral Pearls for whatever it wants to do. You might see a get-up like this:

Lucky Coin
Starshine Skullcap
Red Dragon Scalemail
(No Boots)
Amulet of Antimagic
Lifelong Protection (Heart of Life on Caster, Ring of the Warrior on low Attack Skill SC)

If you can afford it, consider swapping the RDS for an Armor of Souls. That thing is awesometastic, although the price (40 Blood Slaves) is off the charts nuts. You can't easily build any boots, so this will want to go on a mounted or elemental king chasis. This can make a pretty decent Pyrflagos.

Atlantis usually has a virtually limitless pile of Astral Pearls and an overwhelming pile of Water Gems as well. And that's... all you can count on. You can't even Blood Hunt in most of your empire. Still, you can make:

Sword of Swiftness
Shield of the Accursed
Starshine Skullcap
Blue Dragon Scalemail
Boots of Quickness
Amulet of Antimagic
Amulet of Luck

That's a build that has no life stealing and no reinvig, which hurts. But it gets four attacks a turn, and has a very decent defense and protection values. The Encumberence on the whole thing is only 2, so you should be able to rack up a lot of kills anyways.

Pythium has a very large gem income, and has it split between Air, Astral, and Water. Often you'll have more coming besides, but at the least you should be able to choke out this:

Sword of Swiftness
Shield of the Accursed
Starshine Skullcap
Chainmail of Displacement
Boots of Quickness
Dancing Trident
Amulet of Luck

This build maximizes Defense, while staying within the alotment of the basic Pythium Gem resource types. You're walking in with a Defense of +15 plus Quickness (so call it 18). That plus Luck and a huge pile of attacks should keep you in the game long enough to kill most enemies.

Man is sitting on piles of Air and Nature Gems taht a tremendous. They can count on nothing else.

Lightning Spear
Vine Shield
Spirit Helmet
Chainmail of Displacement
Winged Shoes
Ring of Regeneration
Dancing Trident

I'm not very happy with this build, but I normally don't ever consider making a Man god that doesn't have a strong Earth suit for that reason. Also, you'll be putting this (minus the Winged Shoes) on a Queen of Air, so to a certain extent it really doesn't matter what your equipment is. Some people prefer the Weightless Kite Shield to the Vine Shield. I regard that as a matter of preference.

Ulm has access to huge piles of Blood Slaves, and enough Astral Pearls, Death Gems, and Nature Gems to get by:

Blood Thorn
Lucky Coin
Starshine Skullcap
Hydraskin Armor*
Boots of the Messenger
Amulet of Antimagic
Lifelong Protection*

*If you have a really big pile to spend, consider upgrading the armor to the Armor of Souls or the Bone Armor. Those are expensive, but awesometastic in the extreme. If so, you'll want to swap out the Lifelong Protection for a Ring of Regeneration. You don't have Quickness and you don't have flight, but that's what you get for having no elementalists in your empire.

Ctis has Death, Nature, and Water coming out of the woodwork. And that's again all they can count on.

Jade Mask*
Blue Dragon Scalemail
Boots of Quickness
Cat Charm
Bottle of Living Water

* Note that since only you can build the Jade Mask, you actually can guaranty getting it for your use.

Caelumhas Air and Water Gems to spare, and can at the very least make this:

Sword of Swiftness
Weightless Shield*
Spirit Helm
Chainmail of Displacement
Boots of Quickness
Dancing Trident
Bottle of Living Water*

*Actually, you should be able to Clam enough to have one of your High Seraphs make an Amulet of Antimagic and a Lucky Coin. That's not guaranteed, but it's pretty close.

Ermor Can only necessarily pick up Death Gems. Only Death Gems. Everything else belongs in the realm of "maybe" and "perhaps". But that still means that you can make a good scaffold of:

Bone Armor
(No Boots)
Champion's Skull
(empty slot)

Ouch. Ermor really desperately needs to find something out of distant magic sites. It's almost not important what even.

Jotunheim has access to Astral, Nature, Death, Blood, and Water, making for a nice diverse pile of whupass.

Blood Thorn
Shield of the Accursed
Starshine Skullcap
Blue Dragon Scalemail*
Boots of Quickness
Amulet of Antimagic
Amulet of Luck

*Again, this should be the Armor of Souls if for some reason you can actually afford it. You can consider swapping the Shield of the Accursed for a Lucky Coin and thence trading the Amulet of Luck for Lifelong Protection. YMMV.

I hate to burst your bubble, but all of the builds without lifedraining are not near the power of those that do have it. And it is not hard for any nation to get lifedraing weapon. Put some death on your pretender, search until you find at least one death site, and then use mages with a death random to find more. By the time you are outfitting SCs, your pretender can whip up a skull staff any mage with a death random can start making wraith swords.

Alterenatively, about 2 mages with blood randoms can do enough hunting in 10 turns to empower themselves 1 level and make hellswords and eventually blood thorns.

Now, admittedly there is some chance you will find no death sites and/or get no death or blood randoms. However, I have yet to play a game with any nation where I did not have access to life draining by turn 30 (unless my research was so bad I did not have tech to).
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