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Old May 11th, 2005, 01:25 PM

Turin Turin is offline
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Default Re: Hell sword vs Wraith sword vs Blood thorn

FrankTrollman said:

A Wraithsword against Ermor is just an expensive two-handed piece of junk. You'd way rather have a charcoal shield and a herald lance. A Blood Thorn against an army of Mechanical Men is worse than a Thorn Spear.

lifestealing works against undead(ermor etc) . It just doesn´t work against lifeless units(mech men, most other constructs).
The reason lifedraining is so important is not the nice hp gain effect, but mainly the fatigue stealing aspect.
A high prot, high def SC with 90 fatigue and 300 hp is very easy to kill, a high prot high def sc with 0 fatigue and 50 hp is far harder to kill.
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