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Old May 12th, 2005, 02:57 AM
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Default Re: Hell sword vs Wraith sword vs Blood thorn

FrankTrollman said:Unfortunately, Pangea is not very good at item crafting, since both Nature and Death are craptastic at making equipment for supercombatants (except for the Hydra Armor/Ring of Regeneration).

I find Nature essential for SCs. Good, non-artifact items other than RoR / Hydra Skin include:

Totem Shield (versus enemy melee SCs)
Eye Shield
Vine Shield
Leather Shield (great no-encumbrance shield for early-game SC, like Earth Mothers)
Ring of Poison Resistance (when you expect poison, but need better armor than Hydra Skin)
Horned Helmet
Cat Charm (great when used with - for example - boots of quickness, main gauche, shield of the accursed, bracers of defense, and chainmail of displacement, for +24 defense unless I miscalculated)
Amulet of Resilience
Boots of the Messenger
Thorn Spear (also for early-game pretender SC, to grant repels versus barbarians and HI... Astral and Earth are the only other paths that can do this)

Granted, it's hard to fully equip a unit with just nature, as it lacks good weapons or boots. And some of these are special-case. But I've equipped SCs with all of them except the Vine Shield, at various times, and I hear some people do use Vine Shields on SCs.

Death, I agree, is not very good for equipping SCs; it offers only the Wraith Sword, Duskdagger, Horror Helmet, and Wraith Crown. Death should have lots of weapons, at least; and probably some cool armors and trinkets.
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