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Old May 12th, 2005, 03:15 AM

FrankTrollman FrankTrollman is offline
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Default Re: Hell sword vs Wraith sword vs Blood thorn

Totem Shield (versus enemy melee SCs)
Pangea cannot make Totem Shields except with its god, and even then only if it alchemizes or finds some astral pearls.

Leather Shield
It's half. The size. Of the Weightless Shield.

That's bad.

Horned Helmet
It's not the worst helmet. But it's pretty close.

Cat Charm (great when used with - for example - boots of quickness, main gauche, shield of the accursed, bracers of defense, and chainmail of displacement, for +24 defense unless I miscalculated)
+25 I think, but you're talking about a SC who has no meaningful weapons and can't be built by Pangea, so I'm not sure what the point is here.

Amulet of Resilience
The Heart of Life is better.

Boots of the Messenger
These are not, in fact, the worst boots. But they are close. The winged sandals and the boots of quickness are the ones you actually want.

Death, I agree, is not very good for equipping SCs; it offers only the Wraith Sword, Duskdagger, Horror Helmet, and Wraith Crown. Death should have lots of weapons, at least; and probably some cool armors and trinkets.
I disagree. I'm totally OK with Death sucking the funky hot dog when it comes to equipping SCs. They get to make all the Bane Lords they want and their summons are all cheap and awesome and their special leadership comes in gang piles.

Unless and until Death users are forced to pay gem totals comparable to what Fire has to pay to create an army or blast a province, I'm really pretty content with them being virtually incapable of outfitting a reasonable SC without help.

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