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Old May 12th, 2005, 06:39 AM
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Default Re: Hell sword vs Wraith sword vs Blood thorn

Saber Cherry said: Granted, it's hard to fully equip a unit with just nature, as it lacks good weapons or boots.
FrankTrollman said: These (Boots of the Messenger) are not, in fact, the worst boots. But they are close. The winged sandals and the boots of quickness are the ones you actually want.
  • What is wrong with the 4-Reinvigoration from the BootsOfTheMessenger? Sure, BootsOfQuickness or WingedShoes might be better for lifedrainers, but I find all other non-unique boots rather inferior to those three, making them anything else than close-to-worst in my opinion?!?
    Also when compared to the RingOfResilience they look quite good to me: The Ring provides one more point reinvigoration, but costs twice as much and takes up a misc slot...
  • As for a nature weapon, I actually like the SnakeBladderStick: it is available sort of early (lvl4), easily available (1 nature, 5 gems), a mere one-handed 3-length weapon doing an area attack. I think that it is quite a good choice early on as long a there are still a bigger number of non-poison-proof units around. Of course, one either needs an undead wielder or SnakeRing, HydraSkin, etc.
BTW, thanks for all the information on affliction chances! SaberCherry's Complete Condensed Survey of Affliction Chances is pretty helpful to have for me!
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