May 12th, 2005, 07:33 AM
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Re: Hell sword vs Wraith sword vs Blood thorn
Chazar said:
FrankTrollman said: These (Boots of the Messenger) are not, in fact, the worst boots. But they are close. The winged sandals and the boots of quickness are the ones you actually want.
[*]What is wrong with the 4-Reinvigoration from the BootsOfTheMessenger? Sure, BootsOfQuickness or WingedShoes might be better for lifedrainers, but I find all other non-unique boots rather inferior to those three, making them anything else than close-to-worst in my opinion?!?
I know a bunch of players will agree with you. The boots of the Messengers are great items for SCs in many cases, and the best choice bar none in a few.
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