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Old May 12th, 2005, 12:58 PM
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Default Re: Hell sword vs Wraith sword vs Blood thorn

FrankTrollman said:
Remember that while Regeneration works on any living or undead characters, and while life stealing will grant life to a living, undead, or lifeless Super Combatant;
Regeneration cannot usually keep up with damage by itself. Reinvigoration items cannot usually keep up with the fatigue from combat.

A Wraithsword against Ermor is just an expensive two-handed piece of junk.
Do that many people play ashen empire ermor? Soul Gate's troops are just as vulnerable as everything else.

A Blood Thorn against an army of Mechanical Men is worse than a Thorn Spear.
How many mechanical men are you expecting to see on the battlefield?

Lifestealing gives you back half as many hit points as you inflict on your enemy.
And gives you twice as much fatigue back and causes twice as much fatigue.

This means that in an otherwise even competition, you'd expect to have regained about half your hit points when you killed the enemy SC (assuming for the moment that your enemy is a living enemy, which is often not the case when it comes to SCs).
There are very, very few lifeless SC chassis. Golems are the only one that comes to mind immediately, and they have their own weakness.

The Quickness also comes with an Attack and Defense bonus, and the Lifestealing doesn't.
Quickness without lifestealing leaves you unconscious before the fight even gets started.

But if you have to purge one, Lifestealing isn't even the best, it's just really good.
Lifestealing is the best of those abilities bar none. Without it, your SC cannot reach full SC status unless it has a base encumbrance of 0, a protection of around 30, or defense in the same area. If you are going to lose anything from that list, lose etherealness, as it provides no benefit at all against SCs, while lifestealing definetly does.
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