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Old May 13th, 2005, 06:51 PM

CUnknown CUnknown is offline
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Default Re: Hell sword vs Wraith sword vs Blood thorn

I always thought the flambeau was the best weapon out there, far better than lifedrain swords in most cases. Before you say: "Wait, flambeaus are specialized anti-undead and demon weapons, not useful in most cases"--notice how many undead and demon troops/SCs there are out there in most games. all of them except AQs?? If people fielded a more balanced group of SCs, and/or an actual army on occasion, then the flambeau would only be so/so, but this just isn't the case. You see Bane Lords, Wraith Lords, Vampires, Devils, Tartarians, Ice Devils, Arch Devils galore. All of these, no matter how well equipped, will die in 1-3 hits of a flambeau, easy. Lifedrain is meaningless in this case.

Of course the flambeau is very expensive, as it should be. I'm not saying lifedrain weapons don't have their place.
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