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Old May 13th, 2005, 07:26 PM

quantum_mechani quantum_mechani is offline
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Default Re: Early Expansion and use of Mages

En Forcer said:
Question for you:

In the first turns (lets say up to turn 30) do you carefully husband your mages and keep everyone at home researching? Then how do you expand? Conventional forces only?

Or do you split them? Maybe 3 mages go fight while 3 stay home? Or all fight and then come back to start research by turn 10 or so (and are experienced as a result).

I've tried all of these and have yet to find a style that I am happy with.

What are your thoughts on how you expand and use mages in the beginning?
Other than special cases, I keep my mages at home researching. I rely on my pretender, bless troops, and mercs for the most part. Or for a nation like Pythium or Jotunhiem you can just use the normal nationals on their own.

This not to say I never use mages in expansion, anyone who can cast lighting bolt, for instance, is an immense help. But in general I would never have more than 1/4 of my mages away from research in the early game.
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