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Old May 13th, 2005, 11:20 PM
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Default Re: Early Expansion and use of Mages

FrankTrollman said:
You take a province, the Crone searches, the Castelan patrols, you set taxes down to about 80%, and you buy whatever crap the province can build.
Setting the taxes to 80% is just about enough by itself to get rid of 20 points of unrest in one turn, so there's no real need for the patrolling. I'd instead have two crones so that you don't have to stop your expansion at all.

Home researchers should be evaluated in terms of gold to research efficiency, so there's no reason to use a Norna or a Deep Seer when a Seith or an Initiate will do.
If you buy initiates, then you won't have deep seers when you want to use them.
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