I think the subject title kinda says it all. I need help with nature magic and water magic on land.
Now, for most magic paths it's pretty clear what you're going to get. (If you've got fire magic, for example, you want to get Evocation for the area of effect nuking spells like Fireball and Falling Fires. )
But nature and water magic (with a land nation) boggles my mind.
Most of the nature summons in Conjuration seem pretty flimsy to me. Couatl and the Firbolg are so-so, most of the animals and vine men/ogres seem to get cut down pretty easily by mundane soldiers. Wild Hunt and Faerie Court... I can picture myself using that, but they're too far up in levels. Instant gratification please!

. Altogether, nature isn't that good at conjuration in my opinion.
Alteration for nature gives the protection spells... Next!
Nature evocation has Slime and Vine Arrow. Both are subpar. Sleep Cloud looks decent, but I'm not in love with cloud-type spells. My own troops usually run into them after a turn or two.
Nature construction gets me the Bag of Endless Wine and the Endless Cauldron (or somefink). The Thistle Mace is also pretty good, if only I had some decent spells to cast once I get that +1 nature.
Enchantment has a bunch of healing and fatigue-restoring spells. Would they ever be useful?
Thaumaturgy nature has a bunch of berserk-causing spells. Right now, it sounds like the best bet for nature.
Now, about water magic on land. I am completely oblivious here. I know Jotunheim has alternatives in blood magic and the gygja is kinda versatile. I have no idea how Tien Chi should use the Masters of the Way and Celestial Masters, both with just two levels in water magic.