Re: Help with nature or Tien Chi/Jotunheim water magic
Let's see, nature conjuration gets you Vine Ogres and 104 hit points for 1 gem is hardly bad, it gets you Lamias with 50% regeneration on a 22 HP (Black Serpent) chassis, it gets you Lamia Queens who give you sorcery, it gets you Ivy Kings who are nice SCs when they aren't summoning VOs, and you did want the 3S on that Couatl, didn't you?
Relief (Enc6) can be very powerful combined with Communion, and as for items, no well-dressed thug is complete without revigoration and regeneration.
I have a much harder time with water. Quickness (Alt2)is ubiquitous of course, either the spell or items for SCs. Frozen Heart (Alt6) is very cool for Masters of the Way and Atlantian initiates.