Thread: OT: Morrowind?
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Old May 22nd, 2005, 05:55 AM

deccan deccan is offline
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Default Re: OT: Morrowind?

I just had an amazing experience today in AO. I was exploring between Varmint Woods and Tir County when I noticed this huge starship in the sky. Another guy went on chat about it. As it turned out he was near the front of the ship and I was near its rear end, and we worked out that its length was at least a quarter the length of the Varmint Woods playfield.

We tried to work out where it was heading and I arrived first at the player city it was heading to attack. It launched a bunch of scout ships that beamed down aliens. I only caught the tail end of the battle though, and arrived just in time to see two level 220 city defenders take on the giant alien general.

There was no chance of me actually fighting anything, since even the general's honor guard was way too high for me, so I just hung back and watched the pyrotechnics. Fun!
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