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Old May 23rd, 2005, 05:25 PM
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Default Re: Help with nature or Tien Chi/Jotunheim water m

Oversway said:
Falling Frost is a great battlefield spell. For the most part it is better than Falling Fires, I think because for frost the aoe increases with magic levels where fires does not. Either that or damage.
Damage and AOE both increase; AOE 5+ and damage 17+. Quite devastating even cast at minimum level! Unlike Falling Fires it is not armor piercing, but it does work on Devil and Imp hordes. However, Water does not have a spell like "Summon Earthpower" to help boost path levels on land, so it is hard to cast.

As far as Faerie Queens and their freely summoned Faeries go... I love the Faeries! You get a lot of them and their ranged attack is devastating on anything (living) without a very high MR. Plus they're handy fliers.
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