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Old May 24th, 2005, 04:57 PM

Resok Resok is offline
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Default Re: Invisible Swarm III: open

Hahah, guess I learn the hard way for my first multiplayer game that C'tis Miasma is dispised. Is there any particular reason for this? It's not like the dominion kills population, just diseases non-cold blooded who enter it and raises/lowers income. Is that the main reasoning? Not trying to worm my way out of a defeat by any means just curious.

Also... has the server been up at all during the weekend? Every time I try to connect to it I get connection failed. Late last week I was getting the same thing too so I'm guessing I have a number of stale turns saved up. Ah well, was losing anyway. Thanks for the game guys... I'll keep trying to put up a fight but not being able to connect has made this difficult. The times I usually connect (only time I have to play) are around 10pm-midnight range, Pacific time.

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