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Old May 24th, 2005, 06:49 PM

Zen Zen is offline
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Default Re: Conceptual Balance Series (Mod)


Lets start with the Lifedrain Weapons:

The reasoning for the change in costs was to create more scarcity. It's bad enough that the best weapons in the game give you hp and fatigue that allows general use of about 80% of the game (non-lifeless unit), but they also are priced so reasonably that even if you did want to choose another weapon, for another 5 gems or 5 slaves you could pick yourself up the all-in-one use weapon.

With that said. The Hellsword is supposed to be priced to 2B2F it went one too high in a late test game and didn't get changed back.

For the Damage portion. I wanted to create only situational use of the life drain weapons and for them to be statistically _worse_ than other weapons of the same construction and path requirement levels.

-10 Damage still allows use for anything over 25 Str to lifedrain about half as well as it does in an unmodded game (where you could simply equip a lifedraining weapon and a ring of regen and virtually no amount of recruitable troops surrounding a SC will be able to outdamage the lifedrain and regen)

This also still allows Astral Weapon and Weapons of Sharpness to play into the equation and not be overly powerful. I was debating between the -6 and the -10 damage variables and ended up going with the -10 in order to see the reaction. Even with -6 (Which is a -15 Total Damage removed from Lifedrain weapons) the lifedrains are more in consideration than with -10 (where you might *not* consider them on your ID's or BL's simply because an AOE weapon might let you live longer).

This is the first version and as such I'd rather have -10 Damage try to be exploited rather than the -6 that I know can be exploited to what extent.

Final Note about Lifedrain Weapons: I don't hate them at all. But I do consider them so good that there is no reason in an unmodded game to not pick one unless you are taking a herald lance (for the only thing that your lifedrain weapon doesn't work on). And with the limit of the modding tools the only answer is to mod the base stats in order to create a sense of equilibrium between magical weaponry. Just upping the cost wouldn't change the game to a great extent except making the person with the most Death/Blood Slaves able to play the game the exact same way as in an unmodded game (I.E. winning with the same tired tactics), which is not the direction I chose to go because I feel that lifedrain in an unmodded game is so good and renders too much so suboptimal that it isn't chosen when considering something for efficency.

Re: Bloodthorn: The weapon is no longer considered a threat and you can't get lifedraining and a shield by any reasonable combination (Astral Weapon, etc). That was my intent.
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