Resok said:
Hahah, guess I learn the hard way for my first multiplayer game that C'tis Miasma is dispised. Is there any particular reason for this? It's not like the dominion kills population, just diseases non-cold blooded who enter it and raises/lowers income. Is that the main reasoning? Not trying to worm my way out of a defeat by any means just curious.
One of my early MP games, I played Miasma. I started in the middle of the map (Karan) and didn't really know what I was doing. A couple of neighbors went AI and I befrended a couple others. I started a war with Caelum, who was a veteran player and the most powerful nation at the time.
He launched a blitz into my territory, burned down some temples that I (as a newbie) built without a fort. His guys became diseased and I eventually caught and killed the flying army. After losing 6 mages mostly to the disease, he was obviously loath to send any more seraphs into my pioson lands, so we agreed on peace that lasted maybe for another 50 turns. He put in temples everywhere to prevent the spread of my dominion into his territory. When we fought next, he used disease immune troops mostly, which take a while to research up to.
The upshot was that Caelum was defeated before I was! I even came in second out of 11 players, lasting nearly 150 turns before resigning, and that was like my third MP game ever. I became a huge fan of Miasma. They have the best of the three types of sauromancers because all marshmasters have the ability to cast quickness and clam hoarding is so easy to do.
I would have to say that diplomacy is the key to playing that theme. You must agree to let your neighbors who you want peace with build temples all along your border to prevent the dominion spread.
You also want to make it very costly for your neighbor to take you out. Don't EVER take the watch tower as Miasma. The Hill Fortress seems perefectly designed for this theme with its 250 defense and only 3 turns/ 450 gold to build. Anyone seiging that thing will have all troops diseased long before the castle storm. Build some city guards in every fortress, as each one counts as a plus 1 defense every turn they hold out! Your opponent may still kill you, but they will be hurting so bad that their other neighbors may swoop in to take advantage. Again, diplomacy is the key. Like, for instance, you can tell the neighbor of whomever is killing you that all his troops are diseased and he is ripe for the picking! You may find him suing for peace when he gets hit from the backside.
Also, you had the misfortune of having a seasoned veteran like Boron as your neighbor, intent on annexing your territory. In your first MP game, you could have taken any race or any theme and still died. Boron just used the Miasma as an excuse!
Shame on Boron, picking on the newbie!