Re: Invisible Swarm III: open
Hahah... yeah... that's why I picked Citidel actually. Miasma is what I always play in single-player as C'tis... it's alot of fun.
Yeah... Boron hit me hard while I was attacking Tien'Chi. I was going for early harrassment there and he swept in with about 30 I think Jaguar warriors with fire 9 blessing. Watching a few fights it didn't seem they got diseased at all, perhaps due to the 1 regen added to them from Cherry's mod. Even if they did get diseased they wouldn't die from it also... though they would get afflictions anyway.
Either way, it was a perfect attack force against Miasma early game. I had been planning on sweeping in my main army + pretender the turn after I started staleing... but ah well lol Woulda been a fun fight, was curious how I would have faired against the flaming jaguar army.