Re: OT: Anarchy Online
Atrocities, I don't understand how you manage to get killed on newbie isle. It is not possible to PvP on newbie isle. The whole isle is a 75% zone, PvE only. In the rest of the game, there are 25% zones which are political zones that can be fought over. You're given a 60 second grace period if you enter one during which you cannot be attacked by other players. This is to allow you to exit the political zone if you entered by mistake. And even so, PvP is only possible within a level range.
Do send me a tell if you see me online and I might be able to help you. I recently made a new character on newbie isle, Targaryen, a female fixer (because I'm unhappy with the agent I made: sneak, sneak, sneak, aimed shot, can't really fight in a team), so I could log her in to help you out.