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Old June 6th, 2005, 05:59 AM

deccan deccan is offline
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Default Re: OT: Anarchy Online

Hey thank you! I'm just glad people found my advice helpful. Um, here's some more random stuff:

1) Definitely get and keep a Morphing Memory from subway. This is a levelling item as well and goes all the way up to QL 200, providing NCU and Nano Resist bonuses.

2) In subway, you should notice a lot of junk drops like "Burnt Out Memory Chip", "Spool of Wire" etc. Don't bother getting these if you don't intend to get Shadowlands. They're for a quest to get direct access to SL areas from Rubi-Ka.

3) The Striker Foreman in subway drops the "Boots of Infinite Speed" which can be a good newbie item. When used it locks your Run skill for a time and gives you a boost to Run speed, useful when you're running for your life.

4) Eumenides, the smallest of the three subway bosses drops the "Ring of Nucleus Basalis". This is also a levelling item and can be sold to other players for maybe 500k. I found that I could easily solo Eumenides with Yatima at level 20 (well, me and my bot anyway). I killed him three times though, but I never got the ring to drop for me.

5) The construction workers in subway drop construction sleeves, which are very useful for tradeskillers. They sell for about 50k a pair.

6) Many areas of the game are instanced. These include all dungeons and shops, to prevent them from becoming overcrowded. This is why when you try to meet someone in a shop, you can both be inside and not see each other, because you're in different versions of it. All members of a team will always enter the same copy of instanced areas though, and you can see which copy of the instance you're in by seeing the "Group Select" number when you hit Shift-F9. Note that even Newbie Isle is instanced, so not everyone you find talking on Newbie chat channel will be on your copy of Newbie Isle.

7) Omnifiers and clanalizers are used to make armor pieces into sided armor versions. They appear to drop randomly in any mission, regardless of mission level. The standard price for one of them is about 50k each, so don't sell these to NPC shops. However, I've been known to go to Clan areas, listen to the Clan shopping channels to buy omnifiers for 50k each, then go to Omni areas and sell them on the Omni shopping channel for 150k apiece. Ah, the advantages of being neutral...

8) Notum fragments / chips sell for about 1k per ql, so don't sell these to NPC shops either. They're used in many tradeskilling processes. Notum pellets on the other hand, aren't worth much as they can only be used to make nano rechargers.

9) If any of you manage to find an Instruction Disc (Summon Grid Armor) or Instruction Disc (Nullity Sphere), congratulations, you just hit the lottery. Never sell these to shops. Auction them to the highest bidder. The Grid Armor I (GA1) sells for at least 25 million credits. GA4 sells for anywhere from 250 million to 500 million credits. I'm not sure how much Nullity Sphere sells for, but certainly many, many millions. Unless of course, you want to use them yourself. GA is for fixers and NS is for Nanotechnicians.

10) Remember to use helpbot and recipebot! Type /tell helpbot help and /tell recipebot help. Lots of useful stuff there.
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