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Old June 6th, 2005, 07:46 AM

deccan deccan is offline
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Default Re: OT: Anarchy Online

In case anyone is interested in in-game events here's the latest issue of the ARK prepared TAG magazine:

The interesting part is an invitation to all neutral characters to attend a meeting at Neuters R Us on 25th June.

Anyway, my main "Deccan" has just been recruited into Shattered Dreams. I've been trying to get a hold of their guy in charge during Australasian time zones since last week, but had bad luck getting online at the same time as him, finally, their org president fhinn made a point of staying online specifically to wait for me.

We had a short interview in Newland City and then I got accepted in the org. Then fhinn took me on a tour to their city in Newland Desert. It's really cool, and I got bonuses to all nanoskills and some other stuff like run speed from the org's city buildings and notum towers.

They have special org only shops where they provide a variety of good stuff for practically free to org members. In their hq building is a workshop that boosted all my tradeskills to 200+ even though I never spent an IP on them, and they have a silo that effectively acts as a private arena to do friendly practise pvp fights. And oh yeah, their bar is way cool and is decorated with real carborich rocks. Some went up to ql 200+!

I notice too that their org channel gives additional information on notum tower fights. Normally players only get notification of outcomes of tower fights, but the org channel also gives information on tower fights starting, which I presume is to give org people the chance to rush to defend.

I'll see if I can into some org based activities today.
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