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Old June 7th, 2005, 08:05 PM

The Panther The Panther is offline
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Default Re: Slugfest 3 (open)

Well, I slaughtered a big pile some carrion wimps and was then utterly slaughtered in turn by a nearly unbeatable Vampire Queen. I am afraid T'ien Ch'i does not have the proper mages to kill a VQ without a lot of research and artifacts that I likely will never achieve with my drain scale. Maybe Arco can kill the VQ a few times with his astral mages and take the Pangaea capitol. I earlier had a serious blow to my fortune when I lost a key national hero (the stealthy guy with [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/icon45.gif[/img]) because of a turn stale.

I also killed a bunch of Caelum wimps and caused some unrest before he begged me for a peace treaty.

Just to let everybody know, I intend to go [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/icon13.gif[/img] when I leave for France on June 17 and let my three neighbors take my sorry wastelands [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Poison.gif[/img] for their own nefarious purposes. Getting a sub is pointless since I have no chance at all with a weak nation in a horrid starting spot.

Nothing has gone my way in this game and I will soon have to relinquish my title of Slugfest Champion [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/icon09.gif[/img] to some other Pretender.
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