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Old June 14th, 2005, 02:12 AM
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Default Re: Gem-generating globals

CUnknown said:
Stellar Focus is great, because it's undispelable! It costs 30 gems, gives you 5 right away, and to dispel it it would cost another 30! There's no reason to dispel it, so it's permanent income for you.
Eh - if someone else dispels it right away, it just cost you 25 gems. Sure, it cost them more - but it still hurts you, and if they have plenty of astral gems lying about they might well do so, simply to deny you the income. Or, even more likely, they might cast their own Stellar Focus over the top of yours.

Not to mention that as someone else mentioned, if you cast it with 30 gems, yours is going to be the very first overwritten when all the global spots are taken.
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