Thread: Copy of Manual?
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Old June 14th, 2005, 02:49 PM
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Default Re: Copy of Manual?

JohnnyR said:
No, just a few days ago.
And you bought it from shrapnel games? The reason I am asking is because if you had bought it from shrapnel games only a few days ago then I would be concerned that perhaps you did not know that shrapnel games sold out of their stock of SEIV about a month ago. Now Chips & Bits still list having it in stock. Link

This should help people who are looking for the game to buy it. As for the manual, it really is not that big of a help. Your better off asking questions here and getting specific answers. There are a couple of strategy guides, and one getting started guide that help a little bit.

Dubious Strategy Guide
Getting Started Guide v.95
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