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Old June 15th, 2005, 05:31 PM

Ironhawk Ironhawk is offline
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Default Re: PBEM game: The first step (Open)

Molog said:
Machaka commanders are very nasty with their bane blades. One hit can kill a titan.
I've actually found that the Machakan assassins to be pretty poor, overall. While the bane blade is nice, they cost WAY more than they are worth. You could get 2 Slayers, or almost 3 normal assassins for thier price. And while they might be good vs. a normal commander, thier poor defense makes them a sitting duck vs anything powerful. Better to just get a normal assassin and spend 3 death gems for a Bane Blade and maybe 3 fire for a burning pearl if you wanted to go that route.

Additionally I made a couple of attempts Using Bane Spiders leading groups of 10 spider warriors. Wasnt impressed with the results. Thier morale is good, but thier squad size is just too low to make use of it. Then again.. the player I was fighting was crazy for PD so perhaps I am being unfair to them? I suppose a Rod of Command or some other leadership item could also make the Bane Spider more interesting as a stealth leader.
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