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Old June 17th, 2005, 03:14 PM
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Default Re: PBEM game: The first step (Open)

Ribbon- I think what you are looking for is Causus Belli - however, such "honorable" behavior among warring nations really doesn't apply to d2 since we are all pretender gods in a constant state of war with each other anyways. So to forestall an attack it behooves one to contact other pretenders to create temporary NAPs and alliances.

Now I would argue that if we stayed in theme none of us would ever ally (given the stakes) or that very few NAPs or alliances would ever form with a great deal more of treachery and backstabbing happening. However, depending upon the wishes of the players, a diplomatic tone gets set.

Basically, your default state with all neighbors is one of active war or inactive war with those you cannot see.

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