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Old June 24th, 2005, 10:15 PM
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Default Re: OT: Stupid Nazis

I ask you why it is considered discusting if a group of white men get together to celibrate their belief in white power. It is no differant than a group of black men or gay people doing the same god damn thing.

Granted being affilated with the Nazi party is without a doubt the dumbest thing any white man can do. Those god forsaken skin heads are nothing more than a group of hate mongers who are so closed minded that all they can see is their twisted view of the world. Kinda like many civil rights speakers who claim everything is a racist act when in fact it is they who are promoting racism.

Let the Nazi march, it is their right under the our law. It is also your right to go down and taunt them if you so choose. Let them know that they are bonafied retards of epic proportions. Good luck and remember, go for the knees and protect your head.
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