Re: OT: Stupid Nazis
TerranC point being saying "Black Power" movements have never caused a World War is sort of like saying it's all the White man's fault that there were wars when let's be honest Black Power movements are not made up of the most charismatic or intelligent folks in the world I mean look at the "Muslim Brotherhood" they are irritating as hell even to the majority of black people I've met (although some are almost as bad in their own ways) and the Black Panthers are just morons all way around.
So if you want to "generalize' I think you'd have to say the only reason black power movements have never caused a world war is because the vast majority of those in Black Power movements aren't bright enough or charismatic enough to gain any kind of real power.
And if you looked at Germany the Nazi party gained power because the vast majority of Europeans are white yes, but also because in a way they rebuilt the German infrastructure they made Germany powerful again and they appealed not to "White pride" but GERMAN pride and GERMAN heritage as their rallying point, and as they "Liberated other Germanic nations" from the "oppression" of other countries the Germans and even hundreds of thousands of others from other surrounding nations were in a way pleased to see their "original" heritage being honored again and rising to power again after so long.
It's a little known fact but there were actually HUNDREDS of AMERICANS in the German Army during WWII and I do mean pure blooded born and bred Americans that were of German heritage and who were sent over by their families to "Fight for your Fatherland".
It was not "racism" alone That caused WWII but a mixture of economic and political problems that gave the Nazi Party it's break in the world to raise an army and get it's people riled up.
And the Modern "Neo-Nazis" obviously have never studied history as
1. They claim to be socialist while the real Nazi's who they claim to emulate were Fascist
2. They are an undisciplined bunch of idiots while the original Nazis were strict and regimented to keep the people in line.
3. The modern "Nazis" go around yelling Zeig Heil (sp?) which I've been told means "Victory and Welfare" about thirty times in a row and stomping and throwing a half assed Nazi salute.
While you'd only ever hear the real Nazis say it a handful of times in any given "ralley" much like we'd say "God bless America" or in the case of Brits "God Save the Queen" nobody would be stomping or shouting it like idiots either. I just find that funny is all.
And let's face it the modern "White Power" movements have NEVER caused a world war and probobly never will so you can NOT say "White Power movements" or White anything caused WWII because your seriously forgetting the Japanese and I don't think they subscribed to "White Power" do you?
Finally i have to say it here to risk offending anyone or sounding a little racist if I do sound racist I'm sorry but here it is anyway.
The vast majority of countries who's main populace is black (I'm damn well not saying "African American" because there are a BUNCH of countries who aren't american but are black) are dirt poor and too busy dealing with "Drugs, tribal warfare, ethnic cleansing" and other crap to cause any world wide trouble I mean have you looked at Africa lately....two words "Hell Hole" not to mention primitive people who still beleive in zombies for crying out loud! Are these the people you think would be ABLE to start a world war?
So if you want to stick to "racial" theories the only reason black people have never started a world war is because they can't run their own countries much less anyone else's.
(I personally am NOT racist my best friend for a long time was a black guy I knew, I've asked out a Chinese girl and I've had several black friends)
But race wise let's look at it from a standoffish point of view if your want to stick to which "races" are more likely to cause a world war it's going to be white's and Asians because if you even look at Neighborhoods within the US white and Asian majority neighborhoods have far less crime then black neighborhoods not to mention the ghetto and the fact that Africa is basically one giant ghetto for the most part.
When life gives you lemons take them and squeeze them in life's eye until it gives you the oranges you asked for!
"If men build things to look like our penis such as towers and ships does that mean female achitects represent women having penis envy?"
A line that made me chuckle, I can't remember where I heard it I just know it made me laugh.
"I'm not really a slapper....I mainly punch and gouge."
Tammy Lee my kung fu instructor/sifu's daughter when asked if she ever slapped a boy for saying something nasty to her.