Starhawk said:
And as least you can say of hte white power movements they don't destroy their own neighborhoods to protest "The Black Man's opression" like those race riots back in the 90s where those moronic black power movements riled up so much discontent that those idiots burned their own neighborhoods which just made me laugh my *** off it's like "Yeah that's a great way to show your our equals, burn your own damn neighborhoods and buisnesses" lol
If "those race riots back in the 90s" you're refering to are the LA Riots, I think you need to read up on the history behind it a little more. The riots only superficially seemed to be racial; while it was mostly black and hispanics that participated, there were a number of whites as well. What they all had in common was they were poor, had no jobs because of the downturned economy, and lived in an area largely neglected by the powers-that-be in LA. The riots were an expression of anger over the verdict in the Rodney King trial, where four LAPD officers were acquitted of wrongdoing in their beating of a black man (and IIRC, they were acquitted in a trial held in a mostly white and asian upper middle class town in the Valley). It was the straw that broke the camels back, to use the cliche. There were also a few other incidents leading up to the riots that fueled malcontent.
To say that is was a "black power" thing is simply flat out wrong. It was really more of a thing of poor people lashing out at the more affluent and people in power. "Burning their own neighborhoods" might seem like a stupid thing to you. And it is, but not for the reasons you think. It's stupid because it's a senseless act of destruction, but there is nothing about South Central, Watts, etc. that these people "owned". And that's part of the cause for them lashing out.