mottlee said:
Running mod, Drazi, building troop transport on escort
They have NO WEAPONS!!
All Improved weapons = none
Edit: Hyach, Antimatter X weapons 0 damage
building only Troop transport and colony ships
systems w/o resorce sharing
No one has improved weapons (yet) - I was trying to make sure what we had was balanced (especially versus armor) before commiting myself to doing all the extra work of differentiating weapons by race. I am doing that now.
No drazi weapons =

I dunno how or where that happened, but will fix it.
They should not be building troop transports on escorts, since the minimum hull size for TTs is 300kt (e.g. small transport). Can you confirm there is no AI_Designcreation in the drazi folder under races? There should be none - everyone should be using Default_Ai_Designcreation.txt in the AI folder.
High-level Antimatter weapons got buggered somehow in the cut-n-paste. On the list to be fixed.
"building only Troop transport and colony ships
systems w/o resorce sharing" is unclear - could you specify?
Thanks for the catches. The mod needs just this kind of checking.