Thread: Babylon 5 Mod
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Old July 1st, 2005, 02:44 PM
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Default Re: B5 MOD General

I have found the bugs in the Shagtoth (now ShagToth) as well (another capitalization inconsistency) and have made the new improved and advanced weapons. I hope to have another version of components.txt and techarea.txt out this weekend, and then will start the final cut at facilities.

Anyone feel like finalizing the AI_general (the verbage is there, but not the numbers in many case) and then doing the .emp files?

My thinking at this point is that the diference between the 2k, 3k, and 5k races should all be in special traits. In other words, the 2K race should have the racial access (worth a different amount for different races), plus +/- for traits, and maybe one special trait. The 3k version of the race should just add a special trait, and the 5k version add one major new special trait or two minor ones.

We might want to re-allocate some points for special traits (like reduce Lucky to 500 points and increase Advanced Storage Techniques to maybe 1500 or 2000) - anyone seen a good write-up on such a modification?
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