Re: B5 MOD General
I'm new to SEIV Gold, but not to the B5 universe. I recently installed the 1.8 version of this mod plus the progressive patches released by grumbler on this thread over a clean install of v1.91 SEIV Gold. I removed all of the non-working races (ie Vorlons, Shadows, League, etc.) No matter what race I tried, I had no access to ships or facilities of any kind -- neither for construction nor design. The only thing I could design and build was a weapons platform. Technologies listed no benefits or improved "ship types", and from what I could tell, I should have at least had access to the basic facilities and colony ship designs. I don't believe this is working as intended.
I placed the mod under the suggested directory of "B5 Mod" in their proper branches under the root directory of the SEIV Gold install. I am using the latest version of the Mod Loader from Matryx.
Any suggestions?
Thanks all.