Imperator Fyron said:
What's your status Grumbler?
I have finished all the weapons templates for basic, full, improved and advanced (except advanced molecular weapons - I need to rethink what advantages they should have) and started to sort the races by what types of weapons they get. Right now the plan is to have every race get one weapon they can build to Advanced status, plus one that goes up to Improved (which is less than advanced), one they can build all the way through level X basic but not improved or advanced, three they can build through level VII basic, but no improved or advanced or PD or MS, and three they cannot research at all.
It does not have to fall out exactly that way, though - this is just my current thinking. I am posting the race/weapon grid here, and welcome comments (but mostly will not be able to answer the "why did you..." questions).
Maybe some races should get more weapon types and cost more points to choose?