Help a newbie play R\'lyeh
Ok so I'm not a newbie really but I've never played R'lyeh and I have loads of questions:
1. How do you pronounce R'lyeh anyway? I've heard "Riley", "Arlee-ay", "Rulyeah" ....
2. How does the void summoning work? Can only one mage enter the site at a time? If so does it matter what paths s/he has? Do more powerful mages summon better beasties and/or have less chance of getting fried? Is either of those affected by luck scales (or any other scales)?
To be honest, summoning one beastie per turn, with a chance of getting nothing and having your mage feebleminded, is not really an exciting prospect. I must be missing something. I've seen the AI with way more beasties than there have been elapsed turns.
If you can send more than one mage in per turn, is there a limit? I mean, I could just recruit a star child every turn and soon I'd be summoning 15-20 void creatures every turn!
3. What scales would you take for R'lyeh? They need money so I guess you don't want turmoil. I guess you could take sloth if you went mainly for Illithids. I've never taken death with a non-undead theme - does it matter?
I'm asking because I'm thinking of going for an expensive bless strategy (W9S9 or W9N9 or even F9W9N9) to get those void beasties really buzzing. So I'll need negative scales and I wondered which were tolerable and which were to be avoided.
Thanks in advance,
There will be poor always, pathetically struggling - look at the good things you've got ...
-- from "Jesus Christ Superstar"