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Old July 27th, 2005, 08:05 PM

Goblin Goblin is offline
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Default Re: Help a newbie play R\'lyeh

I haven't actually played them, but a very unusual thing happened to R'lyeh in a game I was playing - they vanished...

It would have been about turn 20, they had 4-5 provinces then the all to familiar message saying that the R'lyeh god has been killed and has no way of returning - but also that he had not a single province to his name in the end???

Looking at the game statistics they seem to have lost all there provinces in one hit. About 10-15 turns later I was able to walk through R'lyeh's old domain, as there was nothing defending it!!!

Anyone have any idea what may have happened? I know R'lyeh is meant to be mad, but mass suicide should be outside the game play.

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