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Old July 28th, 2005, 12:51 AM
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Default Re: Mictlan Green as far as the eyes can see

For a third time the pretender of Tien Chi, Yuck Fou, meets his death on the battlefield at the hands of the Jotuns. This battle was actually somewhat unexpected... the northern half of the map seems now to be plagued by scouting problems, as seems to happen on Faerun after the game reaches a certain point.

Therefore, almost by accident, a TC army blundered upon my significantly stronger force on the approaches to the Giantspire watchtower. I can only assume he could not see my army, as it had easily beaten armies two or three times the size of this particular TC force. All seven TC commanders were killed, Including Yuck Fou (who stayed in human form during the battle) and Ho Hsien-ku, an immortal hero of TC, done to final death in unfriendly dominion.

Victory and Glory for Jotunheim!!
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