Back when it started, it took me a couple of years to get into Stargate. But when I started watching it, I got hooked fast.
The original movie, "Stargate" is very much worth watching. Go rent it if you haven't seen it.
As to the new characters, I always loved Farscape, so having Ben Browder and Claudia Black show up just seemed to carry on what they had going on that show. Rather than trying to think of him as "O'Neil-ish", it just seems like Ben Browder is still Ben Browder almost just carrying on his Farscape character. Anyways, the two of them have a good chemistry, and the Daniel Jackson - Claudia Black pair also are funny to watch.
Atlantis is slowly growing on me. It has always seemed a little slower and flatter than SG-1. But they seem to be learning.
BTW, they show so many SG-1 reruns on nights other than Fridays, that it doesn't take all that long to see most of the series. Of course, I've got a DVR programmed to record anything with Stargate in the title, so I tend to have several of those around to watch whenever there's nothing else on.
BattleStar Galactica is absolutely amazing. I'm always absolutely glued to the edge of my seat watching that show. I also record it, but that just lets me FF through the commercials so it comes through as a straight 45 min or whatever kick in the chops to me. No commercials, no breaks in the tension. Just right in your face till its done.
The new BSG is very, very, different from the old Lorne Greene shows. That was cute TV, with Egyptian costumes and a cute mechanical dog, and other tv-land bs. The new BSG is very, very different. Dark, edgy, tension-filled TV. Like I said, I watch it straight through without the commercial breaks. And at the end I just want to sit back finally in my chair and go "whhhheeeeewwww". And I immediately wish I didn't have to wait a week for the next one.
Right now, the new BSG is probably the one and only TV show that I'm really anxious to see a new episode of when it comes out.