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Old August 25th, 2005, 09:25 AM

Kaljamaha Kaljamaha is offline
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Default New Map: Loemendor

Hello everyone. I recently got back to playing Dom2 and decided to pick up on a project I started some 10 months ago, namely this map. It started as an exercise to learn GIMP, and developed into a "fully grown" map.

The map is of my own homebrew roleplaying world. There are a number of special provinces with special defenders and perhaps sites, but a no-specials version of the map is also included. Also, due to the map design being thematic rather than utilitarian, I make no promises as to the MP balance of the map.

Now, the important details: The map has 157 provinces (142/15), and the land mass is rather fragmented, generally with two or three provinces acting as "bridges" between fragments.

Hope you enjoy. While it was a lot of work, I had fun making the map.

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