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Old August 26th, 2005, 09:20 AM

Kaljamaha Kaljamaha is offline
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Default Re: New Map: Loemendor

Thanks for the compliments. I'm really glad you like it.

As Edi said, I made it with GIMP, and also as he said, the final picture had a bazillion layers, 56 to be exact. Five of those are not seen, being used for sketching stuff and storing icons and whatnot. Now, I went wild with the layers, having one for basically each forest, mountain, swamp, desert, ect., which made the picture a huge memory hog. I recommend using restraint with adding new layers.

There is one thing I'm a bit iffy about. All of the possible starting provinces have four land neighbors (two for seas), which means there are only a couple in the north-western corner. In the tests I ran, 5-8 players could start a comfortable distance from each other, but occasionally the above mentioned corner would be empty. So... I don't know how this affects the balance of the map. If it is deemed necessary, I can change some of the three-neighbor provinces in the north-western corner to be allowed as starting provinces.

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