Jurri said:
Here's some suggestions to disregard at your pleasure. Thank you, quantum and Turin; I like your iterations of the mods way better than the previous one's. I won't be commenting on the balance here, only aesthetics.
On formatting, I notice there are a lot of troops that don't have modifications done on them. I assume these are for ease of modding; however, a lot of commanders seem to be missing, at least from the national themes. (Niefel jarl, sidhe commanders...) Also, at least the readme for the item mod lacks information on the changes to hell sword aside from the cost. You don't really need a readme, in my opinion, since with proper formatting you might as well put all the information you want in the actual mod-file.
I'd suggest modding the slottage on the Thing That Should Not Be: at the moment it has a head-slot, but no head, and it loses it's drain life attacks when given a weapon. I assume the drain life comes from the tentacles, so this doesn't make sense. Thus I'd suggest removing the head slot, replacing the life drain attacks with the life drain tentacle some critters use and making it a permanent part of the Thing. Although this would make 'em really sweet SCs, it's not really a balance issue, since you see them only once in a blue moon anyway. There might be other inconsistencies with the slottage on lesser void summons, too.
For thematical reasons Caelum should have water magic on the seraphs, in my opinion. Increasing encumberance and possibly adding other mali like removing the body slot or a misc slot would be more thematical to my mind. See, no comment on balance even on this controversial issue, go me! 
The Ulm BF hero, the member of the third tier seems to have a random name. At least I got him with two different names recently. Neither was Hanif or Carsten (the first name being from the heading in the mod and the second from the description.) Can the name even be fixed?
The noise weapons aren't consistent. At least the wail of wailing lady and the demonic laughter of the Demon Jester are not AoE, even though it makes sense that noise affects everyone on an area. I would suggest renaming the attack of the Demon Jester to something else. With the lady it's harder: Maybe make the attack AoE but easily negated by MR?
The spell Second Sun costs 320 to cast, even though the mod-file has it at 350. Is this a hard-limit, then? Anyway, I assume this is a typo and there's one zero too much 
The anthemant newt lacks a description.
There was something else too, but my [censored] computer went and crashed on me in the middle, so. Maybe it'll come back to me...
Thanks for the input.
On the formatting problem I will happily pass the issue on to Edi who is handling that along with the readmes.
The thing that should nor be named change sounds like it makes sense.
I have thought a lot about the Caelum issue, and I feel that really high encumbrance is less thematic than the younger seraphs not knowing water magic (think Man's crones).
Not sure what is up with the BF hero, I can't see any mod commands that would have messed that up, and if it is Illwinter's error I don't think it can be fixed.
I believe the wailing lady attack is AoE. As for the demonic laughter, just imagine you have to also be looking right at the demon for a damaging effect.
Second sun should be fixed next version, but good to know about the hard limit.
The newt had a description in some version, must have somehow got deleted.