New Map Files
Hello everyone. I've made a few corrections and I'm posting new map files for the Loemendor map.
First, I ran a couple of more tests and decided to add a few more startable provinces in the northwestern part of the map. Most of the time even with eight players the starting positions would be okay, but once in a while (like about 1/7 games) the whole map west of the Landbridge (#127) and north of Sirenir Mouth (#66) would be without starting positions. Now both Moorway (#79) and Silent Hills (#107) are startable provinces. Both have only three land neighbors, but if you start there, chances are good that you'll have plenty of time a space to expand.
But, that wasn't really why I decided to do the update. The real problem I noticed was the Doom Horror guardian of Heavenfire Crater. Now, a single Doom Horror would have been fine and thematic, that's why I put it there to start with. The problem was that after a while the province guardians would number in the hundreds, with barbarians, militias, knights and scorpion beast commanders (what event is that?) all happily fighting along the supposedly lone Doom Horror. So, I changed the special guardians.
Mental health is an extremely serious issue, which, if not detected and treated early on, will drive you mad.