Kaljamaha said:
Second, the crater is a waste province, and also tagged as many sites, which should give it +50% site frequency, or at least +30%, in case the multiple terrain types don't stack (haven't tested this).
Kristoffer O posted 03 April, 2004 10:46
Not sure of the exact numbers.
(I'm not sure of the specifics. Waste might be 30, swamp and mountain 20. 'just a guess.)
I guess it works like this:
Magic: (site freq) + 30
Waste: (site freq) + 20
Swamp: (site freq) + 20
Mountain: (site freq) + 10
Forest: (site freq) + 10
Farm: (site freq) - 20
Only the most beneficial counts.
If site: Check what site. Random.
If site not possible: Reroll.
If site unique and already in the game: Reroll.
If site possible and rare: Reroll once.
Many nature sites are common but restricted to forests etc.
Unique sites are also rare or common. Inkpot end is unique and common. Crown of Darkness is rare.
No blood under water IIRC. Not sure about unholy.
As you can see, a "many sites" province is only marginally better than waste, if at all.
If you want to make it a really special prov, add a pre-placed site.
With random sites, you could -and would most likely- something totally unfitting anyway.