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Old September 19th, 2005, 03:42 PM
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Default Re: moddable AI

Turin said:
admin increases the gold you gain from the province by half the admin value. So a castle with admin 40 increases the goldincome from a province by 20%.

Ooops. Didn't knew that .

Turin said:
Itīs a difficult decision if the game should be made more of a buildergame like the civ series or AoW. Those games are a huge success, but I feel that the builder aspect almost always becomes tiresome.
In addition the comparison with clams is accurate. Most people donīt like to play with clams in multiplayer because clams encourages a defensive hoarder style. More improvement buildings would have the same effect and a game where the best strategy is to bunker up tends to get boring quickly.
I thought of - real - basic building. Didn't thought of that, but I naturally play defensively ( camper and clam hoarder ) . If it changes the spirit of the game, then let's forget it .

The thing I'm sure is that I don't want a clone of Civ or AoW-SM .
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