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Old September 20th, 2005, 03:26 PM

spirokeat spirokeat is offline
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Default Re: Fighting Commanders and Equipment.

magnate said:
... but on the whole I agree with spirokeat - there are a fair proportion of items on the forge list which are rarely or never used. Imho this is a real shame, and a priority for fixing/rebalancing in Dom3. I'm not saying every item should be a no-brainer - far from it - but after 18 months of playing this game I would like to be able to say "oh yes, that comes in really handy when ..." for each item.
I agree whole heartedly. Theres just tons I like the look of but never forge, I just think its a shame not a major game imbalance. A lot of love and attention went into those items and I would like to repond in kind.

I've never forged a staff of storms either...chuckle.

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