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Old September 21st, 2005, 06:32 AM

Kaljamaha Kaljamaha is offline
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Default Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"

I'd like to see more local enchantments. Right now, if you want to magically boost your empire, you have exactly five global enchantment slots to work with, that you have to fight for with the other pretenders, no less. The only local enchantments that come to mind are the various domes and astral window. How hard can it be to boost resources in one province, growth in another, and maybe travel through another?

On that note, I'd like to have a number somewhere that shows how many turns the enchantments that have gem dependent duration have remaining.

And finally (this has probably been mentioned already, but here goes) I dislike the fact that battle scripting is rather... binary. A few examples:

For some odd reason I like javelin tossing infantry. Now, if I script them to attack, they never use javelins, but I leave the script open the do, and then engage in melee. Good so far. However, if I'd like them to hold and attack intelligently, no can do.

In one game, I was playing Vanheim and got Vanlade. Great! I equip him with items and send him out to kick butt. Problem: after the buffing script, he can either casts spells, or attack, one or the other but never both. So, it's either spam undead into unconsciousness, or attack without ever using spells. It would be much smarter for him to buff, attack for a while, and when a bunch of infantry surrounds him, cast Shockwave.

I'm not sure how to implement intelligent, or even semi-intelligent choices after the five action script, but the current MO is extremely wasteful, not to mention more than a little moronic.

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