FarAway Pretender said:
Very interesting thread, all of you! I don't think I've ever seen so many of my favorite games posted in one place, ever, and certainly not such a wide variety.
MoM, AoW, Heroes, Settlers of Catan, Dom 2, and so many others.
The Go example you cite is interesting. Almost all of us bring our own personal/cultural views into the gaming experience. I'm oversimplifying a little here, but let me make a few comparisons. Chess is a pretty Western game--clearly defined rules, combinations and permutations of differing abilities and weaknesses, straight and clean lines of power projecting onto the blank field of a game board, and dramatic moments of victory often come when a mighty opponent is toppled by a destructive attack.
Go is rife w/more Eastern themes. Notions of space are as important to winning the game as are the pieces. Rather than viewing space as an empty nothingness that pieces move through as they assert their power against other pieces, space is as vital a part of winning as are the pieces. The whole duality of Western thinking is replaced by the seamless integration of the whole.
Maybe I'm not expressing myself right here--I have no graduate education in Philosophy at all, but I've lived in both parts of the world, and I recognize parts of each culture in those games.
FarAway Pretender,
I am stupified to find out that you took the words out of my mind even before i had read this discussion.
My point is all about GO, which just has the Crown of games for me in this Hall of Fame of computer / classical games we all enjoyed. As a lowly apprentice in Greek / European philosophy I cannot but agree you FarAway Pretender!
I see it in the way that the game of GO offers more intuitive type of strategy game instead bit more calculative and rigid system of chess. This means a kind of holistic approach instead of Aristotelian type of categorising objects of world according to rules that are created by that gategorising.
GO for it!
About Dom2,
I just recently joined the multiplyer community after enjoying years of single playing with both Dominions. I recommend you trying mp as well.