October 1st, 2005, 01:55 PM
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Re: Mid Game+ magic.
shovah said:
for those who dont know, SC=super combatant and in an unmodded game alot of people think it neccesary to give a life draining weapon to a SC (blood thorn/hell sword) banelords are popular often just because of their cheapness but if you have what you need ice devils work really well.
one of my favourite (extremely expensive) scs is a nataraja with a bloodthorn, hellsword, shield of gleaming gold, any good armour, winged shoes, ring of the warrior and another misc item. as for the helm it depends, against basic troops try horror helm but spirit helm is good all rounder
(i usually wish for this guy with my pretender and have someone weilding dwarven hammer (ulmish smiths work good if you can cast forge of the ancients) to make his equipment. with awe (+0 but still) and 2 lifedrain weapons hes hard to kill and using that unique helm that has awe works well too but generally dont send him out until he has empowerment (preferably astral for luck+etheral+shield) to buff himself as hes too expensive to waste
I believe it was determined a while back that wielding two life drain weapons at once does not increase life drain noticeably.