Re: Acro- Golden Era
Arco GE is all about the magic. Your troops are pretty bad overall so you will need to get your magic going quickly. Take a magic scale and use your awesome Philosophers to get your research rocking. Once youve got some wind under your wings you should be able to rely on your Mystics and summoned creatures to do all of your heavy-lifting in battle.
One additional note, Aku and I were discussing the strategy of using Skeptics as Dominion-killers and agreed that it had merit. As it turns out, another player actually used it on him reportedly taking provinces from dom10 to dom0 in one turn with no loses to Skeptics!! Even through heavy patrols! So apparently that tactic is viable too, tho it is not something you will want to use until later since you must sacrifice Philosopher production to make Skeptics (they are cap-only, right?)