Thread: Ermor Themes
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Old October 4th, 2005, 01:17 PM

spirokeat spirokeat is offline
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Default Re: Ermor Themes

Death magic is very good, but I suspect the power of Ermor doesn't come from straight out of the box death. Its the themes and the units that they provide that are unique to them.

Dark Knowledge costs 3 gems rather than the 2 that the other divines cost. In my particular instance it means that as Mictlan when Mictipoctli turns up, I can throw out a revenant with him or do it with my pretender if he doesn't and have a chance at getting a death economy going.

You should probably do three challenges.

Ermor out of the box vs anyone.
Ermor AE vs anyone
Ermor SG vs Anyone.

With some good players and knowing your facing Ermor specifically I don't think it would be the walk over that people are expecting. There are plenty of undead bashing spells and items out there.

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