Re: Blood Simple?!
Thanks for that Graeme, I knew that 5k and below was a serious diminish but thought that it was a finer gradient than simply 5k and over.
BUT ! thats not why I said 8000. I suggest that because it gives your hunters a reasonable stay in one province before the pop does hit 5000 and below and you move em.
One of the things that I do find a pain in the *** is when I pool my blood slaves and I then have to go to each Blood Sacrifice priest and give him new slaves. I hope thats changed in Dom3.
In terms of equiping your hunters. All they get is a sanguine dousing rod. And I tend not to use anything but basic priests either. if I recall you can actually push unrest up despite tax 0, if you use higher level hunters. Three blood 1 priests with dousers seems the best.
As far as changing gear and pushing dominion. Its very hard. Its not just about a temple and a chap sacrificing. You have to keep his blood supply up, which means a lab too.
Plus your good priest is 390 gold a pop, giving you a basic cost to preach basic dominion of 790, plus a 5 slave, 5 nature knife. and then about 8 slaves per turn to keep him going, for every single province you want up. not too cheap.
In my opinion dominion is the single hardest thing for Mictlan to deal with.